Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Finals Intervention by Megan Copeland

During the season of finals, students often find themselves swimming in study guides, late night crying, and asking oneself why they took that class in the first place.

We, the Pulse Staff, are writing this because we care and are here for whomever needs us. Stress over finals is a problem, and we believe that with the right support, we can help our readers get through the finals season.

First, relax and prioritize your schedule. Learn the finals schedule prior to the day before and figure out when to study for each of the classes. By doing this, it allows someone more time to study and less time to stress.
Second, find out which type of studying works best. Some may learn better with flashcards and others may learn better with the gummy bear method. It truly depends on how one studies best.
Third, pick an environment that isn’t stressful or highly active. For example, a concert might not be the right place to study for one person. Maybe seek out a local library or coffee shop to study prior to finals.
Fourth, get a lot of sleep and eat well. Don’t double up on the McDonald’s and only sleep for two hours. Try eating something a little bit healthier and get between seven and a half to nine hours of sleep prior to examine day.
Senior Hunter Dickerson says that the study buddy system works best for him.
“When I study for finals, I usually do the review guide with another person, then ask my teachers for another one and work through it on my own,” Dickerson said.
First, take a deep breath and go to a happy place. If one thinks about the beach, they are more likely to relax and do better on their test.
Second, if someone doesn’t know the answer to a question, skip it and come back to it. The more someone looks at other questions, it may jog someone to remember what the answer is to the one that was skipped.
Third, don’t forget about time management. Make sure that there is enough time to finish all the questions.
Fourth, trust one’s instincts. Don’t second guess oneself or one’s answer. Be confident in the answers one puts on the papers.
Sophomore Olivia Hartwell reminds students about the reality of testing.
“A 50 minute year can predict the next 50 years, be wise,” Hartwell said.
Do a little dance that one survived finals.
Finals are like taxes, they have to be done. Whether or not they are an awful experience is a decision on its own.
Final Exam Schedule:
Monday: 5th period
Tuesday: 1st, 3rd, and 7th period

Wednesday: 2nd, 4th, and 6th period