Everybody waits patiently for corey to go on. It was his first solo of his senior year. “I was anxious for him, hoping he would do well,” sophomore Ryne Mills said .
Archived Content for The Pulse student publication at Mooresville High School in Mooresville, Indiana. This site operated from the August 2012 until May 2023. Please visit www.mhspulse.org for new content.
Monday, February 29, 2016
Friday, February 26, 2016
by Peighton Noel
Mrs. Stephanie Burnett’s first period English nine honors interdisciplinary class answers questions on their laptop about the book they are reading, Night by Elie Wiesel. This book taught the students what it was like to live as a Jew in the Holocaust. “This piece of nonfiction allows students to take a journey through the harsh realities of the Holocaust,” Burnett said.
by Rowan Miracle
The class stops and listens to Mr. Jason Damron as he informs them about the Spotlighter Invitational. Even though most have hosted before, the past years had less school's participating. “I love the happiness and joy it brings me, I also love that feeling of how hard you work finally getting paid off,” sophomore Katie Biddle said.
by George Jeffries

Brandy Sawyer stays active and fit by running and working out daily. When attending Mooresville High School, Sawyer stayed fit by playing volleyball, basketball, and softball. “I remember certain (volleyball) practices were practices where we could not stop moving the entire time. It was lots of conditioning and was tiring but it definitely got us into shape,” Sawyer said.

Brandy Sawyer stays active and fit by running and working out daily. When attending Mooresville High School, Sawyer stayed fit by playing volleyball, basketball, and softball. “I remember certain (volleyball) practices were practices where we could not stop moving the entire time. It was lots of conditioning and was tiring but it definitely got us into shape,” Sawyer said.
Today, Sawyer is a high school gym teacher. Her teaching began at Benton Central High School in 2002. “Teaching here is actually quite different than teaching at Benton Central. Classes are run differently, a male teacher had all the male P.E. students and I had all the female students,” Sawyer said.
Brandy Sawyer’s day starts off in the girls’ P.E. locker room. Although she had an office before renovations happened, it was on a different side of the high school which made getting to and from her office and classes a hassle. “The new facility’s are really nice and make things a lot easier. Having my own office in the locker room gives me a peace of mind because I know where not only my personal things are but equipment that we use for class,” Sawyer said.
Sawyer goes through a slideshow with one of her health classes. Sawyer used a room for health classes that is now apart of the newly renovated VLC. “Switching classrooms can be stressful at times, but I’m just glad we are able to have the class to inform and educate students to better themselves physically,” Sawyer said.
Sawyer keeps her health class interested by having almost a conversation about the lesson instead of giving them a lesson from the book. Students had completed multiple book work assignments in the previous days. “I like to keep the kids interested so they actually want to participate in class, rather than give them bookwork day after day,” Sawyer said.
by Hunter Dickerson

Seniors Seth Heitmann and Kylan Williamson are mentally preparing themselves for the swim meet. Sectionals is made up of two Separate meets: Preliminaries and Finals, and they always have drops in times for most swimmers, and always extremely energetic. “It was intense and very enthusiastic. It made me feel amazing, as it did for the team too. I’m glad we made it this far, and I’m happy with the team we had,” senior Kaleb Owens said
Seniors Seth Heitmann and Kylan Williamson are mentally preparing themselves for the swim meet. Sectionals is made up of two Separate meets: Preliminaries and Finals, and they always have drops in times for most swimmers, and always extremely energetic. “It was intense and very enthusiastic. It made me feel amazing, as it did for the team too. I’m glad we made it this far, and I’m happy with the team we had,” senior Kaleb Owens said
By Sarah Gray

Spotlighter Invitational sits right around the corner, but choir teacher Jason Damron is not worrying. He was comforted recently when all his students came to help set up for the big night. ¨There are just so many things that have to be done, and when I first started doing it, it would take so much longer, but now I can hand out jobs and it's much more efficient,¨ Damron said.
Spotlighter Invitational sits right around the corner, but choir teacher Jason Damron is not worrying. He was comforted recently when all his students came to help set up for the big night. ¨There are just so many things that have to be done, and when I first started doing it, it would take so much longer, but now I can hand out jobs and it's much more efficient,¨ Damron said.
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Mr. Thomas
By: Tyler Petersen
A scar that starts from the front of his ear stretches to the top of his head is now covered by hair that has grown since then. This is the recovery of Mr. Thomas’s recent brain surgery. This is his journey.
Mr. Roger Thomas is a special education teacher here at Mooresville High School. His job is to help the students in the resource room do their everyday work. Twelve years ago Mr. Thomas was diagnosed with a level 2 tumor. There are 4 levels of this condition 3 and 4 and producing quickly. His first surgery affected his short-term memory loss and speech.
By Rowan Miracle
Favorite Class
same song being played on the piano every morning, laughter about something Mr.
Damron said the day before. This is the choir room environment, full of life
and silky voices on the path of greatness.
favorite class is choir because singing is one of my favorite things to do,”
sophomore Hannah Gray said.
is Gray's first year of high school show choir in Finesse, the all female
group. Previously being in a concert choir she loves the change. “Finesse
is like my second family,” Gray said.
A day
in choir class is thought of to be just singing, but much more goes on behind
the scenes. “ Everyday in class we do vocal warmups, sight reading, and work on
our most recent musical piece,” Gray said. Sight reading is where hands are
used to read the sheet music in front of you. Usually, only concert choir is
worked on in class and the actual show choir show is only at practice.
by Michaela Blessing
Healthy Living
Many students at Mooresville High School eat healthily and exercise regularly, but many students also do not. Different lifestyle choices can affect a person a great deal.
Eating healthy can benefit the body both mentally and physically. Especially for someone who plays sports. At MHS, a great deal of students participate in sports, whether it be for the school or outside of school, eating healthy and exercising can influence the way someone plays in very positive ways.
By Peighton Noel
A coach and Her Son
Multitasking is one of the most difficult things
you will ever do. Mooresville High School cheer coach Holli Goodman finds
herself multitasking on a very regular basis. Holli’s son, Karson is a freshman
at MHS, and participates in football, basketball, and track.
Holli coaches
both basketball and football, so watching her son play can be a convenience. It
might sound easy, but it can be a small struggle.
by Lacey Watt
Best Buddies
Multi-colored hearts are scattered across the tables with markings in varies of colors. These notes have saying such as “Believe in yourself”. Words of encouragement are given to one another in hopes to brighten each other’s day.
On Feb. 12 Best Buddies members gathered in the south side of the cafeteria to celebrate the day of love, Valentine’s Day. While sharing and writing valentine cards for all the kids in the club, and having festivity food, people gathered around the tables just to be with one another and talk about their day with friends on this special celebration.
Buddy Director Emily Novicki explained why she enjoys Best Buddies and what she looks forward to the most with the Best Buddies meetings and parties thrown.
“Being involved, being with friends, making new friends. It’s like a whole pack of family around me. We’re just having fun,” Novicki said.
The Valentine’s Day party and many other events are planned and thrown by the president Madison Peterman, and is helped by many other members of the club.
“I plan everything.. tell everyone the schedule, contact everyone, and Mrs. Selby sends remind 101’s,” Peterman said.
Parties like these within the group often celebrate holidays. For example, this upcoming St. Patrick’s Day, a party is being thrown where someone dresses up as St. Patrick and leaves little surprise gold coins for people. Additionally, there is an annual end of the year party where everyone celebrates what was accomplished over the year and what fun they had. And yes, everyone is invited to join the fun.
Best Buddies is an open invitation to anyone who wants to join, but to have more information on what exactly Best Buddies is, it is a non profit organization that brings together someone with an intellectual or developmental disability with someone who does not to match them in a one to one friendship.
“Friendships like these are special and can last a lifetime,” Peterman said.
Meetings usually go down with heavy and fun conversations. Conversations can vary to what they did that day, to planning the next big event that they want to host. Snacks are also provided, and just overall meetings are forming friendships, just kind of like the Valentine’s Day party.
“Best Buddies goal is to go out of business actually. We do not want to have to be able to do Best Buddies, because there should not have to be a club to do that in the first place,” Peterman said.
For the time being of having the club, it is important that many people know about it, and participate. With the more people involved, the less people will have to work to stress that everyone needs a friend, even with a disability. it seems to be more common sense that everyone needs to be treated with respect, and that words, like the “R” word, are very hurtful.
“It’s just so important for myself and everyone else to get involved because everyone needs a buddy, no matter what walk of life they are from,” sophomore Sydney Heitmann said.
People can get involved by going to the upcoming event outside of school that raises awareness to spread the word to end the word. The Friendship Walk on April 24 is where all of the Best Buddies Chapters in Indiana will gather around in the downtown area at 10:30 a.m. to walk/run a mile around the canal and raise money for Best Buddies. Afterward there is a party thrown with an awards type ceremony To know more information, one can ask Mrs. Selby or Madison most likely to be found in Selby’s room.
With Best Buddies, the main accomplishment they are trying to achieve is for everyone to be kind on their own, and for someone to join The Best Buddies Club is a step toward that direction.
by Sarah Gray
Life Through the Eyes of a Student Worker
The machine beeps in sync as the numbers of her employee identification code are typed in. It had just turned 4 p.m., a long day at school just passed and a long shift awaits ahead. Officially clocked in, senior Payton Conner begins her work duties for the night.
17 year old Payton Conner is one of many students in America who has responsibilities of an outside job as well as the responsibilities of school. According to NewsOk.com, one in four high school students in the U.S. hold a part time job. Along with this job, they have the responsibility of maintaining their grades and once you add a social life this task can be extremely difficult.
Monday, February 22, 2016
by Georgia Jeffries
Back Home
“Brandy Mary Marlene Sawyer” was announced as MHS
senior, Brandy Sawyer, walked across the brightly lit stage to receive her high
school diploma. Sawyer was walking through MHS one last time… or so she
Sawyer had been a star athlete at MHS, competing in
volleyball, basketball, and softball, all at the varsity level. But come June,
she and along with the rest of the 1995 graduating class, had to say goodbye to
the small town that most had called home since a young age. It was time for
college and the pressure was on.
Sawyer had to face the decision of which university or
college to attend. After some thinking and evaluation, she decided to further
her education in Terre Haute, Indiana at Indiana State University. Sawyer then
spent her time as a sycamore by studying to become an educator. Sawyer
graduated from ISU in 1999.
After graduating from college, Sawyer became a P.E.
teacher in 2002 at Benton Central High School in Oxford, Indiana, where she taught
for eight years.
By Erin Phillips
Prom is a milestone in most
teenage girls’ lives; however, it is a very expensive milestone. Mooresville
High School teacher, Mrs. Jennifer Burnette’s daughter, Emily, is a student at
Plainfield High School with an amazing idea.
Her and her friend Belle Jacobs
have found a way to make prom more affordable. They are holding a prom dress
resale at their school. They are calling it “Twice as Nice”.
“Twice as Nice” is sale that
will have between 100 and 150 gently used or brand new dresses that vary in
colors, shapes, and sizes; there will also be items for men at a reduced cost.
The dresses range from size zero to size 20. Along with the dresses, they also
have purses, shoes, and jewelry.
From Broken Bones to Recovery Road
Nick Phillips’s Recovery
by Hunter Dickerson
Junior Nick Phillips is a swimmer who broke his
collarbone shortly before the swim season began. He jumped off of a building
and attempted to roll as he landed, but did it incorrectly. It was a very big
setback for his swimming.
When he was looking back upon his decision, it was not
with pride. “Wow, that decision was probably one of the stupider ones I have
made,” Phillips said.
By Kierstyn Murley
Compete or to not Compete? That is the Question
She arrives at
Avon high school and walks down to Mooresville’s practice room. She unloads her
bag, rosins her bow, and tunes her cello. She is prepared for her solo at this
year’s ISSMA contest.
winter, the orchestra students participate in a solo and ensemble contest
called ISSMA. Sophomore Amber Hicks is one of many students that participated
in ISSMA this season.
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