Friday, December 21, 2012

FRIDAY 12/21: Adjusted Final Exam Schedule

FRIDAY 12/21: Adjusted Final Exam Schedule
Period 2 Exam -- 9:50 – 11:15

(Announcements will be shown at 11:10)

                Passing Period……11:15 – 11:20

Period 5 Exam --11:20 – 1:10
                1st Lunch…………….11:15 – 11:45

               1st Lunch Exam.....11:50 – 1:10

                2nd Lunch Exam…………….11:20 – 12:40  

2nd Lunch………….12:40 – 1:10

                Passing Period……1:10 – 1:15

Period 4 Exam -- 1:15 – 2:34

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Thursday Adjusted Final Exam Schedule

Period 1 Exam:  7:50-9:41

Passing Period: 9:41-9:46

Period 3 Exam: 9:46-11:27

5th Period:  11:32-12:48

    1st Lunch:  11:32-11:57

    2nd Lunch:  12:23-12:48

Period 6 Exam 12:53 - 2:34

It's Ugly Sweater Day MHS! Faculty Photo

Friday, December 14, 2012

Fighting the Chills in Style: Holiday Recipes

by Whitney Smither

  Settling down for the night and want to make something warm up with? Craving cookies with a lot of sugar? Wanting to cook something creative that one can eat? If one said yes to any of the questions above here are some great recipes to try out!


Nutella Hot Chocolate


§  1 cup of Milk

§  3 tbsp. of Nutella

§  Whip Cream


First, over medium-low heat to warm up the milk in a saucepan on the oven.

Second, once the milk in the saucepan is warm, take it off the heat.

Third, drop in 3 tbsp. of Nutella scoops and whisk.

Lastly, put on whip cream, serve in a mug and enjoy!



Christmas Cookie Sticks


§  1 ½ cups powdered sugar

§  1 cup butter or margarine, softened

§  1 envelope (0.14 ounce) strawberry- or lime-flavored unsweetened soft drink mix

§  1 teaspoon vanilla

§  1 egg

§  2 2/3 cups Gold Medal® all-purpose flour

§  1 teaspoon cream of tartar

§  Betty Crocker® Rich & Creamy vanilla or chocolate ready-to-spread frosting (from 16-ounce tub), if desired

§  Assorted candy sprinkles or colored sugars


First, mix powdered sugar, butter, soft drink mix, vanilla and egg in large bowl with spoon. Stir in flour and cream of tartar. Cover and refrigerate at least 30 minutes.

Second, heat oven to 375ºF. Divide dough into 20 pieces. Roll each piece into 6-inch log, using lightly floured hands. Place about 2 inches apart on ungreased cookie sheet.

Third, bake 8 to 9 minutes or until firm. Cool 2 minutes; remove from cookie sheet to wire rack. Cool completely, about 30 minutes.

Fourth, spread tips of cookies with frosting and sprinkle with candies.


Ginger-Brown Sugar Cookies


§  1 cup packed brown sugar

§  3/4 cup butter or margarine, softened

§  1 teaspoon vanilla

§  1 egg

§  2 cups Gold Medal® all-purpose flour

§  1/2 teaspoon baking soda

§  1/2 teaspoon ground ginger

§  1/2 cup finely chopped crystallized ginger

§  2 tablespoons granulated sugar


First, heat oven to 375°F. In large bowl, beat brown sugar, butter, vanilla and egg with electric mixer on medium speed, or mix with spoon. Stir in flour, baking soda and gingers.

Second, shape dough by rounded teaspoonfuls into 1-inch balls. Place about 2 inches apart on ungreased cookie sheet. Flatten to 1/2-inch thickness with greased bottom of glass dipped in granulated sugar.

Third, bake cookies 8 to 10 minutes or until edges are set. Remove from cookie sheet to wire rack; cool.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Happy Holidays from the Pulse Staff!

MBJBL Gives Back at League Night

by Abby Ellinghausen
            Last Saturday, Dec. 8, was the annual league night at the Boy’s JV and Varsity Basketball games for the Mooresville Boys Junior Basketball League. Players and cheerleaders grades one through eight attended along with their coaches.
The boys and cheerleaders from the league brought in over 400 cans of food to donate to the Churches in Mission for free admission to the games.
The gym looked like a sea of Mooresville gold with all of the MBJBL players and cheerleaders in gold shirts as well as the MHS Varsity and JV teams. As the Varsity ran through a tunnel of the kids before the game, it was evident by the smiles on everyone’s face that this was a special event for all.
“It was great seeing all of the little kids smiles and seeing how big their eyes got,” sophomore Lane Weaver said.  
Freshman KC Earls remembered looking up to the Varsity players when he was part of the tunnel years ago.
 “I looked to them as role models and now I think it’s really great that this group was looking up to me and the others on the team.  It made me feel so proud and honored to represent Mooresville basketball,” Earls said.
After half time all of the boys were led in a big dance by the junior cheerleaders followed by “the wave.” With the game being close towards the end, they were on their feet yelling and cheering almost the whole time.
According to Andy Ellinghausen, president of the MBJBL, they are very pleased with the opportunity to connect the youth of our community with our school programs.
 “Our kids were met by the 8th grade team collecting our donations, and then by our JV and Varsity teams on the court.  It was a message to our kids that hard work and character can result in a leadership role in their community. It was a pretty fun night out, too!” Ellinghausen said.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I'm No Twihard: Breaking Dawn Part II Review

by Taylor Childs
   Thirty minutes early and there’s still a line. Middle-aged and older women crowd the entrance to The Rave anticipating the next twelve hours that they’ll spend here. The younger fan base will come out later that night for the 10 p.m. premiere.
   Some movie goers had already picked up their tickets; the ones who didn’t were directed to the cashiers at the window or the machine. Once we received our tickets, we were ushered to one theater that we would keep for the entirety of the marathon. On the way in, we were all handed candy, a raffle ticket and a lanyard that would be our pass in and out of the theater.
People settled in their seats with their food and blankets while the movie attendants came in. They explained to us that we were a “special group of dedicated fans,”except I’m not. I’m no “twihard.” I’m just here for the experience.
   They told us the schedule. There was going to be an intermission between each of the movies. The Rave is the perfect place for an all-day marathon because of all the restaurants in Metropolis. Although my group left The Rave twice for food, I stayed in the theater for the majority of the marathon. I was going to take advantage of this experience.
   The first movie began to play and halfway through it I realized just how far the saga had come. Anyone who has watched as far as the second movie can see the difference in quality. The first movie seems honestly laughable in comparison to the others. It lacks in quality acting, special effects, storyline and action. The saga has evolved from just a love story to an action packed romance that has a great sense of both.
   Throughout the second, third and fourth movies, I began to analyze everything about this whole Twilight commotion. I couldn’t personally understand why this was so important to some people; how this could possibly be a massive group of peoples Harry Potter. The fandom of the saga has grown a great bit along with the maturation of the films. It has grown from overly obsessive preteens to people of all ages.
   The saga has a storyline that cannot be emulated because it would be ridiculous if it actually happened. Viewers are able to enjoy it on the surface without having to analyze, because it breaks the boundaries of reality. To this community of people called a fandom, the series represents reaching out of their ordinary lives to dive into a world where unrealistic things materialize. And you don’t have to actually believe in supernatural things to enjoy it. The characters are also relatable, on one level or another. The series holds onto stereotypes within the characters, but throughout the saga they seem to become more personable.
   As part one of Breaking Dawn ended, I began wondering whether the marathon had been actually worth it, I could borrow the DVD’s from a friend. But as my friends as I left the theater for the intermission before the premier of the fifth movie, we saw the line that made us understand why this had been a good idea. These people had over an hours wait outside in the cold, and we already had our seats all cozy in our own theater. Not to mention the free refills on popcorn and soda only marathon goers had.
   Those who only watch the films for comedy will be surprised by the intensity by the last and final film. Throughout the series, each of the conflicts was not easily predicted. The saga does a superb job of keeping the audience unknowing and awaiting more. Breaking Dawn Part Two has an amazing climax, as anyone who has seen the movie should tell you. It built up to it extremely well. In the final movie, all teams have been eliminated, there’s solely one common goal. I have never been in a theater where the audience actually screamed during the movie that wasn’t of the horror genre. These weren’t only gasps, but full-out screams from the truly dedicated fans.
   Throughout the entire marathon, the audience clapped whenever Jacob or Edward would make their first entrance into each movie. It made the movies sort of interactive. But all the silliness ended as soon at the lighted dimmed for Breaking Dawn Part Two. Get ready for the end of forever.


College Fair This Thursday

   The Morgan County College Fair will be this Thursday, Dec. 13 in the Mooresville High School cafeteria from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
   The fair gives the opportunity to meet with the people giving the scholarship; there will be no filling out forms.
   Meeting the representatives at the fair could be a big part in being granted the scholarship. Many scholarship donors take attendance of the fair into great importance during their decision. Remember to look at the scholarships on the schools website (link provided below, beforehand.
   The fair will also have door prizes and food. Remember to dress appropriately, the more formal the better. Do not wear jeans, as it is important to make a good first impression. 

Monday, December 10, 2012


Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Period 1… 7:50 – 8:38
Period 2… 8:43 – 9:31
Period 3… 9:36 – 10:24
Period 4 (announcements for the day) 10:29 – 11:25
Period 5… 11:30 – 12:48
1st Lunch… 11:30 – 11:55
2nd Lunch… 12:23 – 12:48
Period 7 Exam… 12:53 – 2:34

The Season of Scholarships

   As acceptance letters begin to come in the mail, the next step on the college trail is scholarships. There’s tons of free money out there, it just needs to be approached.
   On the MHS website in the guidance department section, there is a list of college scholarships. This is an amazing resource for seniors to take advantage of right away.
   The list is updated frequently as more scholarships are received by the guidance department. It is also easy to navigate as there are sections for the amount of money rewarded, deadline for application and qualifications.
   Why turn down free money when the link is right here?

Discovering an Ideal Government

by Whitney Smither
   Eight weeks into the grading period and 32 groups of sophomores from Mr. Burgess’s World History Honors classes are prepared to give their presentations about their ideal government on Tuesday, Dec. 11.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Fancy Physics: Rube Goldberg projects

  In Physics, students have been working on Rube Goldberg projects for about three weeks. The project consists of using several machines to accomplish a specific task. The point of the project was to tie in concepts from past chapters.
   Here are some pictures of the finished projects. (photos by Bailey Pryor)

OrthoIndy’s Jingle Bell Run/Walk for Arthritis

   For the 24th time in Indianapolis, tiny bells will resonate through the city’s downtown streets as thousands of people gather to help counteract arthritis.
   The Annual Indianapolis Jingle Bell Run/Walk for Arthritis will take place this Saturday at 9 a.m. at Bankers Life Fieldhouse. Presented by OrthoIndy, the event helps fund the Arthritis Foundation in its mission to take steps in preventing and curing arthritis.
   The event is projected to gather around 3,500 people this weekend. There will be a 5K, a 10K and a Children’s Santa Sprint. Holiday costumes are encouraged and tiny bells are given to each participant. Online registration is closed, but late registration is available the morning of the event for $35 per person.
For more information visit:

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Today MHS honored Principal Chuck Muston through a convocation. Muston will leave MHS at the end of the first semester to take on a new position at the Church of Mt. Gillead.


   This year has marked several changes to MHS and the way things are taught. 
   Math teacher Nikki Manion and history teacher Jesse Burgess have jumped on board a new trend that is sweeping through the education system. Known as flipped classrooms, teachers give the notes at home through video tutorials and spend class time helping students with their homework.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Puppy Chow on Sale

by Veronica Smith
      In the mood for a holiday treat? December 3 through the 7 the Best Buddies is selling puppy chow during lunch and passing period for $1. All the money is getting fundraised to Best Buddies. It’s also to raise money to be able to send a student to Leadership Conference.
   All it takes to make this delicious holiday snack is Chex cereal, peanut butter, butter, chocolate chips, vanilla and powder sugar.
“You know it’s Christmas time when the Best Buddies are selling Puppy Chow,” Mrs. Amy Selby said.

Teachers Try Strategy: Flipped Classes

by Daniel Skora
            Flipped classes have been implemented into multiple classrooms for the first time at Mooresville High School. Some students dislike the way the classes are run, but others enjoy the new project based learning.

Mooresville Boys’ Junior Basketball League Night at MHS

by Abby Ellinghausen
            The Mooresville Boys’ Junior Basketball League will be having its league night at this Saturday’s JV and Varsity Boys’ Basketball games. The boys, along with the Junior League cheerleaders, will be collecting cans for the Churches in Mission that night also. The grade level that collects the most cans will receive a pizza party at the end of the season. If you would like to bring cans also, they will be collecting them at door 8 before the games. For more information visit

Champions of Character Winners: November

   The Mooresville High School Athletic Department announced their November Champions of Character award winners. The Champions of Character program inspires character qualities being implemented through life experiences gained from the educational and/or athletic experiences at Mooresville.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Candy Cane Grams

by Daniel Skora
            Candy Cane Grams will be on sale at lunch from Dec. 3 to Dec. 14. The cost is $1 for one or $5 for 10. One needs his or her MHS student identification in order to buy them.
            One can attach a cheerful message or Christmas saying attached to a Candy Cane and send it through Candy Cane Grams to his or her friends. They will be delivered to classes during the week of finals. All proceeds go to Junior State of America.

Friday, November 30, 2012

No Shave November Final Photo

The MHS Men of November proudly show off their beards.  Thirteen men participated in No Shave November this year.
Front Row: Mr. Clint Swalls, Mr. Adam Allen, Mr. Brian Stayte, Mr. Arthur Brown, and Mr. Andy Marine. Back Row: Mr. Roger Thomas, Mr. Wesley Neese, Mr. Jim Lindsey, Mr. Tim VanWanzeele, Mr. Oggy Brewer, Mr. Jason Zollman, Mr. Brinton Farrand, and Mr. Joe Johnson

MHS Girls’ Basketball to Play at Bankers Life

by Abby Ellinghausen
            It was just announced that over Christmas Break on Thursday, January 3, 2013 the Mooresville High School Girls’ Varsity basketball team will have the chance to play at Bankers Life Fieldhouse in Indianapolis.
The girls will take on Franklin Community at 4 p.m. The lineup of girls’ games that day includes Western Boone and Mt. Vernon at 2 p.m. followed by Mooresville and Franklin Community at 4 pm. The girls will then be followed by the Martinsville and Decatur Central boys at 5:45 p.m. and Fishers and Lebanon boys at 7:30 p.m.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Wishing For A White Christmas?

by Taylor Childs
   For many students and teachers alike, snow is what makes Christmas Christmas. And for those who are anticipating a white Christmas this year, the forecast is looking bright.

Spanish III Honors: Presentation Pictures

For the past month, students in Mrs. Tamara Skaggs Spanish III Honors classes have been researching and creating pieces of art to critique and display in Spanish. Check out some pictures below of their final products.
*photos by Brett Hoffman

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Food Drive Exceeds Expectations

MHS Food Drive
by Cassidy Kelley
   For many years MHS Student Council has hosted the annual food drive for needing families. Hosted by sponsors Mrs. Goddard and Mrs. Owens, MHS seeks to exceed the number of goods raised in the past.
   Student Body President Mandy Carroll and Chair of the Food Drive Brett Green have worked together to make this year’s food drive a very successful one indeed. In an overall community total, which includes the elementary schools, over 11,000 canned and nonperishable goods were collected for Churches in Mission.
   “Our total this year is much higher than the 938 we had last year,” Carroll said.

Victorian Christmas Schedule

   December is almost here! Which means Mooresville’s Annual Victorian Christmas is coming. This Saturday on Dec. 1, students from the high school will be performing for the town of Mooresville. Click on the link below to see the full schedule.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Novembeard: Things are Getting Hairy at MHS

by Brett Hoffman
     As the weather gets colder and the days get shorter, the faces of students and teachers start to get a little fuzzy.
   “I was going to do it, but my face gets too scratchy,” sophomore Peyton Baker said.

Monday, November 19, 2012

MHS to Participate in RTV6 Toy Drive

   The MHS and PHMS Athletic Departments and MHS Honor Society are working together to create a toy drive for Churches in Mission and local children. Unwrapped toys can be dropped off at any Mooresville school until Friday, November 30. A commercial for the toy drive will be featured on RTV6 at the Pioneer Girls’ Basketball game at 6 p.m. the same evening of the deadline.
   Needed items include:
·         board games
·         Hot Wheels sets
·         Legos
·         building kits
·         art & craft kits
·         gifts for older children
   Help others by making this our biggest toy drive ever!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Swalls Wins Food Drive

by Cassidy Kelley  
   Food drive donations from MHS reached an all-time high with a total of 4,749 canned and boxed goods; a significant rise from the 938 that were collected last year. Mr. Clint Swalls’ class brought in an average of 42 items per student, thus winning them the free breakfast. Mr. Matt Bosworth’s class came in a close second with an average of 34 cans per student. Great job Pioneers!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wagon Trails Revue Photos

Christmas Play News

   Christmas plays performed by the theatre arts classes will be on Tuesday, Dec. 4 and Wednesday, Dec. 5 at 6 p.m.  The admission is $3 for students and adults, and kids younger than 5 are free.  Ticket sales begin at 5:15 p.m.  the nights of the plays.  The plays are written by students in the advanced theatre class from the year before.

Thinking About College? Find Out What It's Like at Library College Night

   The Mooresville Public Library is holding a College Night on Wednesday, Dec. 19 from 5:30 p.m. until 7 p.m. Current college students will be there to discuss their experiences and information about local colleges will be available to take home. Registration is required and refreshments will be served. To register, go online to

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

2013 Yearbooks On Sale Now!

Yearbooks will be on sale for $45 until Nov. 18. On Nov. 19, the price of the 2013 Wagon Trails Yearbook will increase to $55. The final deadline to order is March 22. Nameplates will also be available with information on the form.  Students who wish to order a yearbook may follow one of the two ways:
1. Use a credit card and order online at or call 1-866-287-3096. Use the order number 40256.
2. Use a check or money order, and make checks payable to Herff jones Yearbooks. Include the order number 40256 on check or money order.  Return the completed order form to Herff Jones Yearbook Order Center, PO Box 29, Edwardsville, KS, 66113-9029.
See Mrs. Ada Clark in Room 121 for a form.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Two Hr. Delay Schedule

1st Period: 9:50-10:21
2nd Period: 10:26-10:57
3rd Period: 11:02-11:33
5th Period: 11:38-12:43
     (1st Lunch: 11:38 - 12:08)
     (2nd Lunch: 12:13 - 12:43)
4th Period: 12:48 - 1:18
6th Period: 1:23 - 1:54
7th Period: 1:59 - 2:34

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Mooresville Schools Madison Township Board Election

   Today, the presidential election has front and center; however, another election will be hitting closer to home. MCSC has a race for the Madison Township Board Member. But what does this mean to MHS?
   Mark Meadows and David Reddick both care about the school system. They seem to agree that they disagree on one major point.
   “Our area of disagreement is in the tool of a school voucher program,” candidate Mark Meadows said.
   School vouchers allow people to send money to private schools that would otherwise go into a public school system. The money, given by the state government, follows the student.  Candidate David Reddick said, “I don’t believe someone who is running for a public school board should favor vouchers because, under present law, granting a voucher takes funds away from a public school district and makes it harder for a public school district to succeed.”
   However, Meadows believes they can be beneficial.
   “Parents and families should be able to voice their approval of one school system over another by choosing where they would want to attend and having the state provide money to follow the student.”
   Both candidates are eager to serve the community. “I am interested in knowing what is on the minds of high school students,” Reddick said.

Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

by Shyla Harless
   Thursday, Nov. 22, 2012 at 9 a.m., the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade will begin on NBC.
   “I never watch the parade because I am the chef on Thanksgiving dinner for my family,” English teacher Jason Zollman said.
   The parade is in its eighty sixth year with 3 million people in New York and 50 million watching from their homes. The parade started in 1924, and has only not happened from 1940 to 1945 because of the war in Europe. The route of the parade has only changed once and that was in 2009.
   “It is part of our family tradition, and it brings back happy memories from years past,” chemistry teacher Anne Brewer said.
    The oldest balloon in the parade is the Snoopy balloon. The parade lineup is balloons, floats, balloonicles, clowns, novelty balloons, performance groups and marching bands.
  “My favorite part of the parade is the marching bands because I am in color guard here at the school,” junior Mackensie Letourneau.
      Don’t forget to tune into NBC and catch the parade!

Editorial: Student Halloween Costumes

   Halloween costumes could be beneficial to the school. If a contest was set up where the best costumes under certain themes could win, it would provide an opportunity to spread school spirit and get the students more willing to participate in school activities. Even MHS’s morale could be boosted as a result.
   On October 31, students at MHS were confused as to why they weren’t allowed to wear Halloween costumes.  In the past, students were allowed to wear costumes to celebrate the official holiday while staying within a loose dress code policy.
   “In the ‘80s, students and faculty members participated more in Spirit Week themes and dressed up for Halloween,” art teacher Mr. Brinton Farrand said. “They used to decorate the rooms for Christmas.”
   During Spirit Week, MHS put aside the dress code policy in order to encourage students to have fun dressing up for the themes, creating a positive atmosphere in the school. Some students were even sporting costumes that had blue and gold themes. If costumes were allowed during Spirit Week, why not on an official holiday?
   MHS should allow the same policy to be in place on Halloween; students would be able to sport their costumes why’ll staying within the boundaries of a loose dress code.
   One might argue that students will abuse the right to wear costumes, donning scary getups featuring masks and violent themes; however, if the school stresses the dress code policy that costumes cannot feature masks, blood or other graphic outfits, students will be less likely to break the dress code.
            The Pulse staff thinks we should be allowed to wear our Halloween costumes to school next year. So, go and talk to your student council representative and have them debate over this issue so we can enjoy Halloween in years to come.