Monday, December 14, 2015

Preparing for Finals

 by Kierstyn Murley  
   With the end of the semester rolling in, finals are on the minds of students at Mooresville. There are finals on the last week of  he first semester, and there are three days of testing.
   Finals will be taken during the week of December 14. The seventh period final will be taken on Tuesday. The second, fourth, and sixth period final will be taken Wednesday. Then, the first, third, and fifth period final will be taken Thursday. Students will not have school on Friday.  Even though all students have to take the final, each person individually prepares himself or herself differently.
   “I’ll study for my hardest finals first, and then work my way down so I’ll be ready for the finals, “ junior Kayla Morris said.
   The process of taking finals for each student is not the same due to the fact that not every student takes exactly the same classes. Older students, or students that take more difficult classes, may act differently around the time of finals.
   “They are stressful tests that challenge the students at the end of the semester,” senior Steven Grimes said.
   Even though finals may be stressful to some students, they are necessary. They test the knowledge of what we have been taught for the semester.