Monday, April 9, 2018

Study Tools to Save A Grade by Kaitlyn Barber

Failing a class isn’t typically a thing to strive toward and is seen as awful by most. Borderline failing, however, can be seen as better or worse, depending on the student.

 However, there are ways to manage that pesky problematic imperfect grade. Studying is an important semi-solution. While it is true that no grade can magically improve with belief alone, studying is a way to nudge that belief along.  It doesn’t hurt that all of the listed sources so far are free.
  There are an abundance of useful websites to list. To start with the heavily mentioned, Khan Academy. Khan Academy ( is a website students use to further their skills in the math, English, and scientific fields.
  It also allows students to study for the PSAT, the SAT, the ACT, and numerous other standardized tests listed on at the very bottom of the page on the home screen. These studying blocks include instructional videos, interactive practice, and practice tests.
  Another seemingly popular resource is Quizlet. Students provide the information and Quizlet ( gives the tools. It supplies an abundance of study tools such as match and gravity game modes, flashcards, practice testing, spelling, and a couple more found on the sites. A number of teachers use Quizlet for a Kahoot-like live interactive experience.
  “I would be failing all of my classes if it weren’t for Quizlet,” junior Britany Sweet.
 Studying can sometimes cover several different platforms, but with Evernote ( notes, information, and research can be collaborated together in one place. Evernote is an organizational tool that can sync data from a person’s phone and computer to organize notes, research papers and the like. Evernote is also very useful for creating study guides, much like Study Guides and Strategies. On e helpful website to use along with Evernote, or on it’s own, is SchoolTraq. SchoolTraq is a website that helps people track school assignments or work assignments.
  Finally, the last optional tip to be shown for now, extra credit work. While it’s true that not all teachers offer these opportunities, for those that do, take on the challenge. All it could do is help, because extra credit is not innately harmful to a grade.
  “Communication with the teacher [is key.] Teachers usually try to explain the best ways to be successful in their class. Sometimes, students just need to be reminded of that.” Social Studies teacher Mr. Franklin said.

  Keep in mind that grades tend to affect a person’s future. It is most likely in someone’s best interest to try hard to keep their grade afloat if possible. If a student is struggling, know that it doesn’t tend to hurt to ask a teacher.