Monday, November 21, 2022

Jesse the Janitor Profile - Kade Fisher


                                             Profile: Jesse the Janitor

One of the most essential parts of a public building is a good custodian. Luckily, MHS has their own very talented Custodian named Jesse Valdez.

“It’s pretty fun, we all have a good time here, don’t we?” Valdez said.

General ideas of what a custodian does around this school is probably just sweeping and mopping the floors, or wiping the windows; however, Valdez does much more than that. 

Valdez said he works on everything. From door glass, to redoing the floors, electrical, a little bit of plumbing, general cleaning, so basically everything. 

There’s a lot of important things this head custodian does and the other custodians at MHS that often don’t get noticed or appreciated. This holiday season, make sure the next time someone like a custodian, lunch lady, etc. make sure they’re thanked for what they do around this school. 

Photo by Kade Fisher