Friday, February 8, 2013

Coins for Kids

   Mooresville schools will be participating in a community wide fundraiser in support of the Boys and Girls Club of Morgan County. Every first period classroom will have a can to collect the donations.
   It costs over $615 each year for the Boys and Girls club to help one child; however, the club only charges $20 per child in understanding of familial financial situations.  The donations will cover general operational expenses of the club, which include covering for the programming such as academics, arts and physical fitness.
   From this, the children of this community will receive positive leadership, homework study and safety skills they need in everyday life.
   The class in each school that raises the most money by the end of February will receive a free breakfast of glazed donuts and milk provided by Mooresville High School Student Council. Mooresville’s success in this fundraising event will result in annual participation and coverage for the Boys and Girls Club.